воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

contract free

The only day I get to drive me truck where-ever I please. I just canapos;t bring myself to be driven home by someone drunk know that they are driving back to get even more toasted, just to drive themselves home. I wouldnapos;t be able to sleep unless they had called me as soon as they got to their destination. And that, my friends, is far too much work for us stoner-types. In any event - Iapos;m in a pretty damn good mood. Work was fine, I was, yet again, the only female at the establishment. (in the kitchen anyways - I donapos;t pay attention to the servers/front of the house.)It was quite alright.
Iapos;ve had to do laundry for the last week I still havenapos;t brought myself to do so. You should see the pile-o-cloth chillinapos; next to me.
I want a glass of wine, but I donapos;t want to ask my mom. Sheapos;ll call me a "lush" again. Which really hurt my feelings. Iapos;m not some sixteen year old wanting some just to obtain a mediocore buzz. I have acquired a taste sheapos;ll just have to come to terms with that.
Iapos;ve also concluded that weed IS one of the best things on Earth. I donapos;t give a damn if they have to tax it in order for it to be legal. Not everyone charges the same anyways. It helps me relax. Iapos;m not so tense or worrysome. It really takes the edge off whatever anxiety I may have. I donapos;t go to doctors, so I really canapos;t say for sure if there is anything wrong with me, but Iapos;m more than sure itapos;s not glaucoma. I do have a heart condition if anything, weed probably isnapos;t the best for that. I find it funny, I get high with so many folks itapos;s like, I donapos;t act the way they do when they smoke. I can smoke the same amount as the cat next to me Iapos;m not giggling uncontrollably or letting my thoughts pour from my mouth in random spurts like vomit. I believe, I get high for myself. For my own mind enjoyment. Sort of like acid, only, there isnapos;t that uncomfortably fast train of thought. I can sit back if anything, be more focused on the conversation or whatever it may be that I am doing at the time. Iapos;m not one of those people who HAVE to smoke a bowl either. Even if I am a little irked or upset. I usually just smoke a cigarette. But, Iapos;ve met people who get really cranky if they donapos;t obtain that certain high they are craving. Shit, if I donapos;t have any squares, Iapos;m not going to go crazy then, either.
Anyways, Iapos;m going to get ready for the partayyy. My fingertips are sensitive today, for some reason wailing away at this keyboard isnapos;t doing the pain any justice.

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