воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Well, I finally went to my department manager to deal with a co-worker whoapos;s just plain mean. When she threatens you very loudly in front of the customers, then itapos;s time to tell someone. So I know heapos;s going to talk to her about this because her attitude is really getting on my nerves. Especially since sheapos;s worked there longer than I have and should know thatapos;s not how you treat your co-workers.

For todayapos;s Halloween video, itapos;s something Iapos;ve never seen all of, but it has PHYLLIS DILLER IN IT

"Mad Monster Party" Pt. 1

An average pharmacist is in for the shock of his life when heapos;s invited to an island full of monsters and is named Dr. Frankensteinapos;s heir. And itapos;s all stop-motion. I remember that WB had talked about doing this movie entirely live action...but since WB IMO is being run by a bunch of idiots ("It needs to be darker"), it might not get made. (Might be a good thing, might be a bad thing.)

Interesting to note that this might be the only time we see Fang, Phyllisapos;s oft mentioned fictional husband.

And apparently since I feel Iapos;m stuck in the apos;60s...

The condensed version of the other monstrous "Monkees" episode.

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The only day I get to drive me truck where-ever I please. I just canapos;t bring myself to be driven home by someone drunk know that they are driving back to get even more toasted, just to drive themselves home. I wouldnapos;t be able to sleep unless they had called me as soon as they got to their destination. And that, my friends, is far too much work for us stoner-types. In any event - Iapos;m in a pretty damn good mood. Work was fine, I was, yet again, the only female at the establishment. (in the kitchen anyways - I donapos;t pay attention to the servers/front of the house.)It was quite alright.
Iapos;ve had to do laundry for the last week I still havenapos;t brought myself to do so. You should see the pile-o-cloth chillinapos; next to me.
I want a glass of wine, but I donapos;t want to ask my mom. Sheapos;ll call me a "lush" again. Which really hurt my feelings. Iapos;m not some sixteen year old wanting some just to obtain a mediocore buzz. I have acquired a taste sheapos;ll just have to come to terms with that.
Iapos;ve also concluded that weed IS one of the best things on Earth. I donapos;t give a damn if they have to tax it in order for it to be legal. Not everyone charges the same anyways. It helps me relax. Iapos;m not so tense or worrysome. It really takes the edge off whatever anxiety I may have. I donapos;t go to doctors, so I really canapos;t say for sure if there is anything wrong with me, but Iapos;m more than sure itapos;s not glaucoma. I do have a heart condition if anything, weed probably isnapos;t the best for that. I find it funny, I get high with so many folks itapos;s like, I donapos;t act the way they do when they smoke. I can smoke the same amount as the cat next to me Iapos;m not giggling uncontrollably or letting my thoughts pour from my mouth in random spurts like vomit. I believe, I get high for myself. For my own mind enjoyment. Sort of like acid, only, there isnapos;t that uncomfortably fast train of thought. I can sit back if anything, be more focused on the conversation or whatever it may be that I am doing at the time. Iapos;m not one of those people who HAVE to smoke a bowl either. Even if I am a little irked or upset. I usually just smoke a cigarette. But, Iapos;ve met people who get really cranky if they donapos;t obtain that certain high they are craving. Shit, if I donapos;t have any squares, Iapos;m not going to go crazy then, either.
Anyways, Iapos;m going to get ready for the partayyy. My fingertips are sensitive today, for some reason wailing away at this keyboard isnapos;t doing the pain any justice.

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click pop remover

- Really getting sick now. Send D1 Hibari fic D1 food Mukuro D1 lemsip D1 help. *being MISERABLE and PATHETIC and SNUFFLING AT EVERYONE because this is totally the END OF THE WORLD* XDDDDDDDD

- Your daily KHR status check. 10 Years Later. Iapos;ve met Byakuran but for all of two pages so you donapos;t get views on him yet. Character preferences are wavering around the place. I like Hibari and Mukuro best by a considerable margin. I like Squallo and Xanxus to an extent. I have a really odd fondness for Yamamoto that I totally did not see coming at all. Dino is somewhere pretty high up there too but I anticipated that somewhat more than, yanno, Yamamoto. Iapos;m really really glad KHR is so pointless and brainless because oh my god I do not have two braincells to rub together. At some point I stopped being actively freaked out by the babies but Iapos;m not sure I can say much more than that; possibly my last solitary braincell shut down in self-defence and left me unable to feel fear.

Iapos;m torn on this series because I canapos;t claim that I think itapos;s awesome quality so I canapos;t recommend it to people or encourage them particularly in reading it, BUT I am bizarrely addicted despite myself and that does kind of lead to the urge to share my suffering.

So sad.

Iapos;ll just babble at Val about it and she can mock me lovingly and then babble at me about her Sparkly Gay Germans In Space or whatever. Iapos;d babble at everyone only sheapos;s... Less likely to get fed up and murder me, or so my survival instinct is telling me.

If you feel like suffering terrible yet addictive shonen manga which I can only really pimp on the strength of a few characters Iapos;m fond of despite myself, please do join me ...wow, I are good at sales.

- Still infuriated that something like suet (which, since non-UK people seem unfamiliar with this, is basically just a type of beef fat) is so difficult to find without wheat flour mixed in. We can order it from online shops but they appear to tend towards having quite high minimum order values and uh... ;; (But I want to make a christmas pudding I can eat ...it wasnapos;t even that important to me at all, but Pez suggested it, and now that weapos;ve been thwarted my stubbornness has kicked in and is demanding JUSTICE. AND PUDDING FOR ALL. MEANING ME. Yes, I could almost certainly just buy a pre-made coeliac-friendly christmas pudding. That is entirely not the point. It has become a matter of Principle. *rueful*)

- I... I know I had something else to say. Itapos;s escaped. I give up. Probably something to do with further adventures exploring Colchester (we had them). *collapses*
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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So, there is something wrong in my head.
I actually CANNOT remember anything before my friends came. Nothing. I donapos;t... I donapos;t even know. I am worried about it. Very. I donapos;t think itapos;s a good thing to completely forget a whole month. I mean, I remember... But, not... Itapos;s really weird. I donapos;t even know how to explain it.
I do not think I am in a good place right now. I need to start doing better in Poli. Iapos;m pretty sure getting a 10/100 on a quiz is... Not good? Especially seeing as I read and highlighted the article and just COULD NOT remember any of what I was supposed to be writing on. Itapos;s also great that I went to TWO classes all last week. Nicely done, Kristin.
I need help.
I donapos;t know what to do.

Iapos;m going home in two weeks?
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Itapos;s so strange and absurd that someone could occupy my thoughts this much.

I tell my friends that Iapos;m trying to move past him. Iapos;m not a liar. Iapos;m not lying to my friends. I truly am trying to get over him but somehow my thoughts always stray to him. Itapos;s really not fair.

AND I saw him on Wednesday. Heapos;s never over here. What in the world? I asked Caitlin this and she said Iapos;m being tested.

Apparently Iapos;m failing miserably.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.


Then you can make....


4 tbs flour
4 tbs sugar
2 tbs cocoa
1 egg
3 tbs milk
3 tbs oil
3 tbs chocolate chips (optional but recommended)
small splash of vanilla essence
1 large coffee mug

Add dry ingredients to mug and mix well. Add wet ingredients to mug and mix well. Add chocolate chips and mix well.

Put mug in microwave and cook for 3 mins at 1000 watts.

It might rise over the mug but donapos;t be alarmed. Allow to cool and tip out onto plate if desired...or eat from mug

Serves 1-2

I made this last night with chocolate chips and it was awesome Would have been even better with icecream...
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